Credit Repair KitsBefore you buy one of the many credit repair kits that are available on-line, there are certain sites you should visit to view and print the information that is included on your credit report. Many credit repairs simply involve correcting inaccurate information contained in the reports. The three major credit bureaus allow consumers to obtain free copies of there credit reports once in a twelve month period. Free copies are also available to people who have been refused credit because of information contained on their credit reports. Credit repair kits usually include information about where to go to obtain your credit report. If the information has not been updated recently, then the website mentioned above may not be included. This website that you may wish to visit,, has only been around since late 2005. It was the goal of the FACT law to allow consumers easier access to their credit reports in order to make credit repairs or just to keep an eye on the informatio n there. As identity theft becomes more and more common, it is a good idea for anyone to view their credit reports on a yearly basis, whether they are facing credit problems or not. Another item included in most credit repair kits is a sample dispute letter. The Federal Trade Commission has also published a sample dispute letter and there are other examples available in books on the subject. You can visit your public library for information about credit repairs or if you are looking for a sample d ispute letter to write to the credit bureau. Once you have the updated information about obtaining your credit reports, you can buy or check out one of the older books on credit repairs. There are some used copies at Amazon books for less than a dollar. Other items included in credit repair kits, such as letters to creditors to request that information be updated or removed is also included in most books on credit repairs. Finally, most credit repair kits include advice. If you have any questions about the legalities of certain recommendations, you can contact a law firm that specializes in credit repairs. There are several. Basically, you do not want to make any false statements on any credit applications; that is illegal. There are other actions which may be illegal or at least questionable. When in comes to credit repairs, take the advice of a lawyer over anything that you may find in the credit repair kits. For more information about credit repair kits and general information about credit repairs, visit the Credit Repair Blog.
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