There is so much health
advice in the world that it is sometimes hard to
keep it all straight! How do you know the right
foods to eat? How do you know the right foods to
avoid? How much of each kind can you enjoy?
Getting your vitamins
Eating healthy, balanced meals throughout the day
is what will ensure that you take in all the
vitamins and nutrients you need to survive. While
individuals have different dietary needs, everyone
needs the full complement of vitamins in order to
live a healthy, disease-free life.
But why do we need vitamins? There are so many
and it's hard to keep track of what they do. And why
are there so many B vitamins?
The B vitamin: it's value to you
There used to only be one B vitamin, until
scientists discovered that it was actually several
different chemicals that work together. Over time,
scientists have come to understand the B vitamin
complex much better. As a result, they have isolated
eight different vitamins within the B vitamin
family. While they used to consider many more
chemicals as part of the B vitamin family, the
vitamins that remain (that you need to be taking)
are B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12.
Individually, deficiencies in these vitamins may
lead to a variety of conditions (depending on which
ones are deficient) including unhealthy weight loss,
emotional distress, weakness, irregular heartbeat,
diarrhea, inflammation of the skin, anemia, and even
Together, this family of vitamins contributes
towards healthy skin, faster metabolism, a better
nervous system and immune system, and they can help
combat stress and depression. The B vitamin family
can really do a lot to improve your life!
The solution
So if you are on a diet and are concerned that
you may not be getting enough of the B vitamin
complex, you should consider purchasing vitamin
supplements to make sure you're getting all the
vitamins you need. The cost of going without B
vitamins can be tragic, while the benefits of having
the full complement of the B vitamin complex is